"School for Living and for Learning"

Information About Our Application and Enrollment Process

For parents interested to know more about our school, we invite you to schedule an appointment with our Principal for a private introduction meeting.

Please note: Children entering Grade one must be a minimum of 72 months old by August 31st of the school year. This is due to our knowledge of childhood development stages, and our belief that it is essential for children to have reached 72 months old before they are ready to begin their formal education.  

Steps for enrollment application include:

1. Complete and Submit: Our Primary School pre-enrollment form to school Management.

2. Complete and Submit: Additional pre-enrollment documents, listed below. 3. Parents and candidate students are then invited for a meeting together with our Principal and school psychologist. 

Following the meeting, if the student is accepted, enrollment procedures commence.

Criteria for acceptance includes:
- A commitment and alignment from parents to share in our school educational philosophies and expectations
- The student's academic ability and personal development must match the relevant Grade level. This includes undertaking a personal and academic assessment. 

Parents will receive notification of the meeting's outcome within three days. In case of acceptance, enrollment procedures should then be finalized within the following three days.

NOTE: If the student has a health issue their assessment may take longer, in the case that additional information from a doctor or therapist is required. However, the candidate student’s place on our enrollment list will be reserved until a decision is made. 

Additional pre-enrollment documents include:

1. A personal statement written by the candidate student. For students in Grade one, parents may write the letter with their child. For students entering Grade two and above, we kindly request they write their letter independently. 

Subject: Tell us about yourself! You can share about your likes and dislikes, what makes you happy and unhappy, your hopes and dreams.

2. A letter written by the parents.
Subject: Please share with us insights into your child's personal attributes, interests, and abilities, along with anything else you would like to know about your child and their life.

3.. Qualified Education Contract. To ensure families are prepared to meet our educational expectations.

4. School Fees Contract. To clarify fees and payment expectations.